Donate to Christ Church
In the collection plate
A collection plate is passed around on Sundays. Feel free to use either cash or cheque. Donations may be placed in envelopes if you prefer. Forms are also available to make a donation by credit card.
Online via Paypal
Donate via PayPal
Online via the ACF
Visit the Anglican Community Fund's online giving website. Donations can be made anonymously.
Donate via ACF
Direct deposit
BSB: 706-001
Account number: 30003052
Account name: Anglican Parish of Claremont
By phone
Credit card payments may be made by phoning the Parish Office on 9384 9244 between 9am and 12.30pm Monday to Friday.
If you are considering leaving a bequest to the church, please speak to the Parish Priest.
Our parish supports those in need of food by collecting non-perishable items for distribution by the Salvos. Food may be left in the basket in the porch of the church on Sundays or may be delivered to the Parish Office.